About Acharya Bramharushi Pujya Paad Shri Kirit Bhaiji
Pujya-paad Acharya-Shree ji was born to Param Bhagwadiye Nathalalji and Manaya Manidevi, on the auspicious day of Thursday, Shravan Krushna Paksha 13, Samvat 2017 (21st July ,1962), at 04.35 a.m. ISD , in the Indian city of Porbandar or Sudampuri. His was a family of Vaishnavs, living in accordance with teachings of Shudh-Adwait Pushtimargs.
When Acharya-Shree ji was aged eight years, Param Bhagwadiye Nathlalji shifted with his family to UK. Inducted into the British form of education, Acharya-Shree ji enjoyed a normal schooling. As with all sparks of the divine, fate had special plans for Acharya-Shree ji. Greeting his twelfth birthday, Acharya-Shree ji was blessed with divine-revelation.
It is recorded in Srimad Bhagwad Gita: “Earnings of wealth and wisdom from previous births are added to the being’s present life. Shuchinaam Shreemantam Gehe Yog-Bhrashtho-Bhijayate.” (Gita 6.41)
So, divine-revelations came to Acharya-Shree ji through dialogue, where he was taught Sanskrit Vyakaran, (grammar), Amarkosh, Laghu Siddhant Kaumudi, Nyaya, Mimansa and Panchtantram, among other treatise of ancient Indian wisdom bank. And Acharya-Shree ji’s clear diction and fluent discourses in Dev-Bhasha Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Gujarati and German help millions to discover and strengthen their relationship with God.
Along with regular school and college curriculum Acharya-Shree ji strengthened his spiritual self with practice of Sewa (service) towards the underprivileged, Swadhyaay or a deep study of scriptures from all religions and devotional music.
Acharya-Shree ji went into detailed studies of the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahma-Sutra, Darshan, Tark-Samhita, Satpath-Brahmin, Paatanjali-Yogsutra, Ayurved, Puranas, Bhagwatam, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Gita and many other Shastras. In his teachings he continues to spread the legacy of spiritual giants like Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya, Ramanujacharya, Nimbakacharya, Shankaracharya and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu among others. He also imbibed the best from glocal philosophers and littérateurs like Confucius, Kalidas, Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Milton, Lord Byron, Kahlil Gibran, Omar Khayyam, Kabir, Rahim, Surdas, Kavi Gang, Baan Bhatt, Nabhaji, Narsi Mehta, MK Gandhi and Charles Dickens among others. Being well-versed in the Bible, Koran-Sharif, Guru Granth Sahab, Talmud and other philosophical treasures, Acharya-Shree ji ably disperses doubts of any kind about spirituality across cultures.
Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya’s Shodash Granthas (16 scriptures) on Shudh-Adwait have been lucidly explained by Acharya-Shree ji over various nine-day katha schedules. Yamunashatak, Madhurashtak, Baal-Bodh, Sidhant Rahasya, Navratan Bodh, Sidhant Muktavali, Krushna-Ashraya, Chatushloki, Panch-Pandhyaani, along with most other discourses on Bhagwatam, episodes from the Bhagwatam, Ramayan, Rudrashtakam , Shiv Tandav Stotram , Shree Suktam , Devi Bhagvatam , Devi Kshamapan Stotram , Hanuman Charitr etc are available on VCDs and DVDs.
Acharya-Shree ji’s discourses detoxify the mind and spirit. Their impact is so profound that millions are indebted to Acharya-Shree ji for the power in his presence and discourses that change their lives for the positive. Speaking on ancient Indian scriptures, Acharya-Shree ji makes available the wisdom of the Rishis to the modern stress-torn humanity. Through divine grace, Acharya-Shree renders soulful folk and classical Indian music, despite no formal training in music. Listening to Acharya-Shree ji is sure a privilege that millions of devotees vouchsafe for.
With the Lord’s command, Acharya-Shree ji first took to the Vyaas-Peeth in the UK itself. The occasion arose during the bitter winter of 1986-87, when an appeal in a UK daily for aid for the visually challenged elderly. Aacharya-Shree ji raised funds for them through his first discourse on the auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanti, 14/4/1987. 27 years down the line, Acharya-Shree ji is hugely loved and revered by a large following. Disciples dote on him for being an able Sadguru, loving parent and best friend. His ability to reach out with the benign Lord’s message to all and help one maximize on life’s duties of Dharma, Arth, Kama and Moksha, has endeared him. Having explained over 150 different topics in a fluid mix of Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujarati and English, Acharya-Shree ji continues to be sought after the world over.
Without doubt, Acharya-Shree ji is not only a master but a spiritual giant and magician. He transforms lives by infusing the Lord’s strength through his words into hearts and minds which were previously weakened – by not only modern-living induced stress, but also the age-old quest for happiness, without knowing exactly where to find it. He transforms lives by helping souls place their trust in the right place – God. And shows the way to balance Dharma, Arth, Kama, Moksha and enjoy life.
Shreemad Vallabhacharya has instructed clearly in Tatvath Nibandh Granth, the qualification of a spiritual master:
Gurusche Bhakti-Maargiye Krushna-Seva Paraayana Shree Bhagwat Tatvagno Dambh-Aadi Rahito Nara (49)
A person who qualifies the above virtues is warranted to give Brahma-Sambandh or initiation. Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya’s order is followed by Acharya-Shree ji with utmost diligence. And, his over 1,50,000 disciples across the globe who have taken refuge at Shree Krushna’s lotus feet through the competent Guru are a privileged lot indeed. While his immediate family consisting of his parents, and Raksha bahuji, Radhika betiji and Shukdev lalji who magnanimously support this global Guru’s role in fulfilling his call in life.
On witnessing the vast and in-depth knowledge of the young Acharya-Shree ji , it was on 13th November 1994 that the International Brahmin Society and Vishva Dharma Sansad decorated him with the title and post of Bramhrushi – Shri Rushivar ji .
And further on, it was on the auspicious day of 13th March 2005 that the Vaishnavs of Rajkot in Gujarat proclaimed the Navam Peeth of Aakhand Bhoomandal-Acharya Shreemad Vallabhacharya and requested the global Vaishnav Acharya-Shree Bramhrushi Shri Rushivarji to take over the responsibility of the Navam-Peeth. Through divine-instruction, Acharya-Shree ji has accepted this responsibility and established Mahaprabhuji’s Navam Peeth at Shree Nath Dham in Krushna’s own land at Vrundavan. And the Lord’s work goes on, as it is none other than Shree Govardhan Nathji himself who lifts Giriraj. While the Lord’s fellow Brijwasis appear to share the load.